
Showing posts from December, 2022


. How does yo           How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues?    The conventions of an action-style music video are applied to our movie.  As an illustration, we used similar items to portray their props  like weapons and disguises to carry out the action  In our music video, there is also tension.  The guy is being intimidated and robbed, which is the conflict.  The use of good and evil was one convention that it questioned.  This is due to the fact that the identity of the villain and hero in the video has multiple interpretations....

Music Video

 Hey blog I'm back again with some heat. Please check out our final video. We finally did it and we got it done the right way.

Production Blog: More Heat

Hey blog I'm back. How have you guys been? Have you guys missed me since I was gone? Well I have good news for you all. We filmed more scenes for you. We actually all got together this time. We started filming the scenes with the car. It was so hard because there weren't any places to park. Also the people at the park were driving so crazy. Our car almost got hit like three times. So we ended up going to another parking lot to film. This worked in our favor because the lot was empty. We were having so much fun filming. Then we took a break from filming. During this break we went to go get food and chill. So we drove all the way to McDonald's. I got so much food that I was too full to film. But we still had more to do. We went back to the parking lot but all of sudden it was very windy. It was so windy that it was hard to hear each other. It also got really cold outside so we went home and call it a day.

Production Blog: Knocked Off

Hey blog I’m back again. I failed you guys one more time. The problem was hard to get around this time. So we couldn’t film this time. Jeremiah got sick so he couldn’t get to the park. He also went to work so he was no help. Mackens didn’t go to school so we couldn’t see him. He was literally no where to be found. He wouldn’t even pick up his phone. Sebastian decided that since nobody could film that he would just go home. I couldn’t film because I was busy too. I had basketball game at school. Our coach also makes us stay at the school so I couldn’t go anywhere. I know you guys are disappointed. We were all really busy so maybe next time. Hopefully Jeremiah gets better though. If you were wondering what happened at the game here’s a summary. At the end of the game my team won. Guys i promise will get back on track. I’ll be back next time see you then.

Production Blog: Back on track

Hey blog it’s me again. Y’all guess what I have for you. You all would never believe it. When I tell you what happened you won’t believe it. Did you guys guess what it is yet? Well if you guessed that we filmed then you’re right. We only got to film the first few scenes. When I tell you guys it took forever to film. It was only me and Mackens that were able to film. We walked to the park after school. It also works out because he lives near me. So we filmed the part when I was planning the robbery. This part was so annoying to film. The wind kept blowing the paper away. We almost lost the paper too. The kids at the park were also annoying. The kids kept running through our filming. Then the kids asked us if they could be in our video. We obviously told them no. At least we got the first two scenes done.

Production Blog: I lied

Hey blog I’m back again. To be honest you guys aren’t going to like what I have to tell you.  I kind of lied to you guys. I didn’t get any filming done yet. We had a lot more troubles this time. We all had to walk to the park and it was very windy. So we were all cold and tired when we got there. Then when we got there they had a music concert going on. Since the park was packed we couldn’t film there. Plus Jeremiah had a very tight schedule so we couldn’t just wait there. Then Mackens had to go home. Me and Sebastian decided to film some parts. But then we realized we left all our props at school. So I walked home because I had to go to basketball practice that day too. Sebastian stayed at the park and played soccer. I sincerely apologize for lying to you guys. I promise it won’t happen again. When I come back next time I’ll make sure I some filming for you. Make sure y’all pay attention to the next blog. I’ll catch you guys on the flip side. 

Production blog No Work

 Hey blog its Justin back again. Today I'm going to talk about how our production is going. So basically we aren't going to do any filming and we aren't doing the project any more. Blog I'm just playing. We were supposed to film but a lot of things happened. Mackens didn't have a ride to the location so he couldn't go. Jeremiah had to go to work meaning he couldn't make it. So this really created a huge problem because we didn't have enough people. Then my stomach started hurting so I ran home running wasn't the best idea because it got worse. I ended up resting for the remainder of the day. So that day everybody parted separate ways. This really put us off track. We tried to get it done but we failed. Our plan was for everybody to meet at the park. We all thought we were going to get parts done. However,  since things didn't go as planned we made new plans. Hopefully things go as planned next time. We will try again soon. This time we will comeb...