Production Blog: I lied

Hey blog I’m back again. To be honest you guys aren’t going to like what I have to tell you.  I kind of lied to you guys. I didn’t get any filming done yet. We had a lot more troubles this time. We all had to walk to the park and it was very windy. So we were all cold and tired when we got there. Then when we got there they had a music concert going on. Since the park was packed we couldn’t film there. Plus Jeremiah had a very tight schedule so we couldn’t just wait there. Then Mackens had to go home. Me and Sebastian decided to film some parts. But then we realized we left all our props at school. So I walked home because I had to go to basketball practice that day too. Sebastian stayed at the park and played soccer. I sincerely apologize for lying to you guys. I promise it won’t happen again. When I come back next time I’ll make sure I some filming for you. Make sure y’all pay attention to the next blog. I’ll catch you guys on the flip side. How to Turn PPC Failure Into Success: 4 Lessons Learned


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