Slacking Again

Hey blog I’m back with the unexpected. The group has been in great spirits lately. Our team work is on another level to be honest. It could be better though but at least we have good communication. Our production process is going pretty slow over time. We’ve only filmed one time so far in our process. But today we didn’t do anything. We were kinda lazy with filming today and decided not to. However a couple members had to work. To be honest I feel bad for them because working on a Friday is crazy. The filming we’re trying to get done this weekend. We got to edit the film still. We also have to film the last couple of scenes. This process is not for the weak I can tell you that. It’s going to take some hard-work to finish up this process. We’re going to film the best scenes with few takes. This commercial is going to be great. My group puts the best efforts in when we’re not being lazy. I know we’ll be fine when have to finish filming. Our main goal for this weekend will be finishing our filming. We have to really push because it’s crunch time. I think we’ll be ok thought because we got heat Alarm Clock Beyond - Free Alarm, Timer and  for Android


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