Production Blog: Back on track

Hey blog it’s me again. Y’all guess what I have for you. You all would never believe it. When I tell you what happened you won’t believe it. Did you guys guess what it is yet? Well if you guessed that we filmed then you’re right. We only got to film the first few scenes. When I tell you guys it took forever to film. It was only me and Mackens that were able to film. We walked to the park after school. It also works out because he lives near me. So we filmed the part when I was planning the robbery. This part was so annoying to film. The wind kept blowing the paper away. We almost lost the paper too. The kids at the park were also annoying. The kids kept running through our filming. Then the kids asked us if they could be in our video. We obviously told them no. At least we got the first two scenes done.grammatical word: finally | English Help Online's Blog


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