Production Blog: More Heat

Hey blog I'm back. How have you guys been? Have you guys missed me since I was gone? Well I have good news for you all. We filmed more scenes for you. We actually all got together this time. We started filming the scenes with the car. It was so hard because there weren't any places to park. Also the people at the park were driving so crazy. Our car almost got hit like three times. So we ended up going to another parking lot to film. This worked in our favor because the lot was empty. We were having so much fun filming. Then we took a break from filming. During this break we went to go get food and chill. So we drove all the way to McDonald's. I got so much food that I was too full to film. But we still had more to do. We went back to the parking lot but all of sudden it was very windy. It was so windy that it was hard to hear each other. It also got really cold outside so we went home and call it a day.


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