Production blog No Work

 Hey blog its Justin back again. Today I'm going to talk about how our production is going. So basically we aren't going to do any filming and we aren't doing the project any more. Blog I'm just playing. We were supposed to film but a lot of things happened. Mackens didn't have a ride to the location so he couldn't go. Jeremiah had to go to work meaning he couldn't make it. So this really created a huge problem because we didn't have enough people. Then my stomach started hurting so I ran home running wasn't the best idea because it got worse. I ended up resting for the remainder of the day. So that day everybody parted separate ways. This really put us off track. We tried to get it done but we failed. Our plan was for everybody to meet at the park. We all thought we were going to get parts done. However,  since things didn't go as planned we made new plans. Hopefully things go as planned next time. We will try again soon. This time we will comeback with some filming. Well blog I'll see you text time, have a good dayOne Path to Success: Think Lazy - Inventors Digest


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