The review

 Hello and welcome to my other blog. Today we asked our friends sister to watch our movie. We gave her a background of our film before we gave it to her. That way she could have a better idea of ​​what she was looking at. I also suggested she repeat it multiple times in case she might have missed something the first time told her to look. I was curious what she would say about this movie. I know where she could have done better, so I was curious if she might have found something new.A few minutes later she finished listening to her movie and took her criticisms to heart. began to manifest. At first, she said she felt the film was a bit rushed, which she believed was too fast-paced and things were going too fast. She also said the music didn't really fit the film crew.When I asked her about the titles she said they were fine but could definitely be better As for the fight, she enjoyed it. She said the fight scenes went on pretty well and seemed smooth. She also said the ending was pretty good too. Overall, she said it was a decent movie that could use tweaks.It was clear that the aspects she was talking about needed a little work. We decided to reshoot some of these scenes to make the whole movie better. We had some things to fix so we are going back to holiday to fix.


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