Movie research (Star Wars Empire Strikes Back)

 Hello, welcome to my new blog. Today we are discussing Star Wars Empire Strikes Back.

What genre elements does this movie have that you chose your final mission based on. Some of the elements we based the final mission of this film on are the fight choreography. In the Star Wars movies, they have a lightsaber fight. I want to include their way of fighting them in my film. They use the lightsaber very fluently and fluidly. Battles also go well. Another element I want to add is dialogue and narration. Star Wars has one of the greatest stories of all time. I would like to take influences from there and get a good plot for our film as well. What genre elements do you like in a movie? - The elements of the Star Wars genre that I liked are the use of weapons. The main weapon people use in the movies are lightsabers. These are very cool and innovative weapons. I also like the characters in the movie. They are really well thought out and each one of them does their part right. One of my favorite characters would be Luke Skywalker. He is the main character and has the fleshiest character. What elements of the genre were in the film that did not interest you? - One element of the movie genre that I didn't like was the effects. Since the movie is old, the effects are pretty bad.
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - IMDb


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