Group Blog: The squad

 Hey blog its Justin and I'm back with another blog. Today I'm going to talk about the group I'm in. We'll also be talking about why we chose the song we chose. The group consists of Jeremiah, Sebastian, Mackens, and I. We chose this group because we have many common interests. For example, we all like basketball which is big. Another big common interest between us is that we like video games. This allows us to easily socialize with each other. Since we all worked pretty well last time we decided to group up again. We also work very efficiently together which is why we are good together. We all have positive demeanors which helps us not have any conflicts. Because of this we have yet to have an argument. Since we like the way we work together we decided not to change anything in our group. We also didn't change our group because we already know how smooth our procedures run from previous experiences. The song we chose "Shake It" by Kay Flock. We chose this song because we all are pretty familiar with this song. We also chose this song because we can all dance to it. We thought it would be great to do a hip hop song. We wanted to pic a very hype song and the song we chose was perfect. I hope you guys really get to enjoy this process with us.Rights and Responsibilities for Group Members | Faculty Focus


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