No Production

Hey blog I’m back with another one of my blogs. We were scheduled to be film today, but unfortunately it was not possible. This is mainly due to the schedule not being coordinated. Sunday is the day we shoot because it's usually available to everyone. It wasn't, because I had to go to tutoring and I couldn’t make it. We decided to cancel it because everyone has to participate. We used this day to regroup and confirm our plans. Props required for the film were prop guns and other prop weapons. This time my friend went to buy movie props. I'm sure he went to Walmart or Target to get the stuff. We are also planning to record at a holiday park. This is due to the open space and lack of human interference. I also want to record some scenes at my friend's house. Because it captures the essence of the film. Another reason I couldn't shoot it was because I wanted other friends to help me shoot the scenes. I wanted three more. That's because it takes a lot of people to realize the scene you want to shoot. Hopefully we can start shooting next Sunday. We will try to get everybody on the same page so the production can start. The next few days we will use wisely.


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