
  Hi welcome to another one of my blogs. Today we are going over my storyboard. Page 1 of the storyboard shows the beginning of the movie. It shows how the intruders approach the person and take them out. They end up taking them out . The mc comes to find them and go seeks revenge. Page 2 of the storyboard shows the MC going after the intruders. The MC takes them out one by one and titles pop in the frame. Page 3 of the story was showing the final battle between the mc and the Boss. They where trading blows left and right with each other. The MC gets the first hit but the boss follows up with one of his owns. The boss ends up taking the MC o the ground. He is about to take him out. The MC ends up dodged the attack. he gets up on his feet and defeats the boss. The MC leaves the scene. He ends up back to his his loved one. He pics them up and walks into the sunset. This is when the last title scene pops up into the frame.


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