Genre Research (adventure)

 Hey blog its me again. Did you miss me? Today we are talking about another genre that we are thinking about for our film. This category is Adventure.Adventure movies often revolve around an MC who sets out to explore new lands and meet new people. Adventure movies also use a variety of camera angles. This is necessary for a better grasp of the environment and the landscape. For this reason, some of the angles you see a lot will be wide. Wide angleis capable of capturing a lot in one shot. This allows the film to understand the environment. They also use a lot of long shots. The long shots are because they give the film a more mysterious meaning. When it comes to sound, they also use ambient sounds. They can also use nature sounds.

Some movies that fit the adventure genre would be Uncharted.
In this movie, Nathan Drake explores the world in search of treasure. One of my favorite aspects of adventure movies is the exploration aspect. Finding and discovering new lands is just so much fun to watch. One thing I don't really like about adventure movies is the pacing. Sometimes the MC can spend too much time doing nothing on the new island, which makes him feel stressed. If done well, they are very good movies.


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