Music Video Intro Blog

Hey blog it’s Justin and i’m back again. Through the next couple of weeks I’ll be working on a music video. I’m also going to let y’all witness the process with me. Some info about me is that I love having fun. You can catch me out and about at almost any time. I love hanging with my friends and family. I’m always with my friends playing basketball with them. My friends are very supportive and are always there for me. I’ve known them since like 6th grade. We actually met each other through basketball. Since I have a car we like to go everywhere together. We are always driving to places like the mall or getting food. I love driving around and listening to music. One day I hope to work on a car of my own. I would try to make it as fast as possible. I feel like driving and cars just come natural to me. Its so fun to drive and just listen to the sound of the engine. I also play varsity basketball at my school and I’m a point guard. Recently I’ve been very busy with practice at school. I hope you guys enjoy my blogs during my music video process. New Cars, Used Cars, Car Dealers, Prices & Reviews |


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