Storyboard Music Video
Hey blog it’s Justin back again. Today I’m going to talk about my groups storyboard. Scene 1: We are preparing for the big day. We get everything we need for the day. Scene 2: We are preparing and going over the plan that we want to execute. Scene 3: It’s the big day and we’re putting on our gear and getting ready for the heist. Scene 4: We finished putting on our gear. We finally grab the tools for the heist. Scene 5: Now we’re in the car on the way to the location of the heist. Scene 6: We finally get to our destination. Which is a new location and establishing shot. Scene 7: This scene shows two other actors making a deal with a briefcase full of money. Scene 8: As the transaction happens the two masked actors pop up. Scene 9: The masked actors start pointing weapons at the other actors. The actors also start yelling at the people. Scene 10: The masked actors grab the briefcase from them. Then they start running off. Scene 11: The actors start running to the car and...