We got Production

Hey blog I’m back again with some heat. Today I’m going to go over how our production is going. I know me and my group were a little behind with are filming. Now things are running as smooth as can be. We finally started our filming. It’s funny though because we randomly decided to do it. It just so happened that we were all able to film. We didn’t really have any obstacles either. We were a little worried about the weather but it was fine. So basically we all walked to the park after school which wasn’t too far. That walk was hilarious, the whole time we were joking around. We were having so much fun. When we got to the park we procrastinated a little bit. We started playing basketball instead of filming. After that we decided to setup for our filming. We made sure our costumes were ready and ok. We also got the props ready too. We started filming some of are scenes. This is because we started messing up a lot towards the last couple of scenes. Also some of us had to go home. Overall it was a productive day for us.3 Keys to Business Team Success | Wisconsin School of Business


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